PILOT, a production diary
originally, i created a page off our main blog for this, but now i've opted to start a whole new blog for this so it'll be easier to update. :) eventually i hope to make timandmicahproject.com/pilot redirect to this blog. but for now this diary can be found on our website, timandmicahproject.com under the heading PILOT. below is the first post from the page idea.
02:04PM 07/28/13
i've created this page to use as a diary of the PILOT creation process. but since it's not the same as blogger posts, i'm worried about how frequently we will update it.
pre production has started, meetings are scheduled, and ducks are being placed in a row. schedule looks like 8/17-25, packed 8 day shoot with possible 9th if we need it. we're both very excited. Lucy Cooper Productions (LCP) is real professional. it's scaring us. :) more as it develops.